By the same token I find it very hard to accept that any of my American friends touring Paris be served run-of-the-mill food posing as 'French cuisine'.
I had received an invitation for lunch from Philippe H. Hence this new series of articles. The room in the back is larger, with two rows of tables. It is made from black pinot or white sauvignon, and is grown in the Touraine region.)
Soon came the plates, full up. The so-called 'French cuisine' Being born and having lived in France for 30 some years before I found my true home in America, I have an in-bred tendency to be extremely picky when it comes to food.
A very practical state of affairs, mind you, as 'Chez Georges' always operates at full capacity, and one needs to book at least 48 hours in advance to get a table.
The villa elevators is typical French 1920-30, with a mosaic floor, large mirrors on the walls, dark brown wood panels, and sandish paint. Good thinking. (In my book, duck cooked to 'done' is unpalatable.